7 May 2022
Excitement builds for NASA’s BBIX rocket launch from Arnhem Space Centre—Australia’s first commercial space launch and NASA's first from a commercial site.
The night Launch of NASA's BBIX rocket in June 2022 from ELA's Arnhem Space Centre is coming...soon! This will be Australia's first commercial space launch and the first ever NASA launch from a commercial spaceport. Three launches are planned over a six-week period in June/July 22 with rockets going to over 250km (250-310km) #australia into space and collecting images and spectral data on alpha centauri (4.56 m light years from the sun) and other space atmospheric phenomenon. Big shout out to the ELA team working round the clock with Australian Space Agency to finalise approvals and mission planning with NASA. Extremely proud to be part of this real space company! See this post on LinkedIn